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zaynvil rapoport, shlome

Il Dibbuk. Fra due mondi.

Items: 1
Loans: 0
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Field Value
Description Il Dibbuk. Fra due mondi. / Shlome Zaynil Rapoport; a cura di Laura Quercioli Mincer. - Cracovia/Torino/Budapest : Wydawnictwo Austeria/Bollati Boringhieri editore, 2009. 184. : illl. ; 20,5 cm.
  • ISBN: 978-88-339-1991-1
Publishing location
ID file 15501
Library Inv. Collocation State Status Reservations
IIC Varsavia 14020 E-III-3 Available In library None
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Quercioli, Mincer, Laura
Zaynvil Rapoport, Shlome